High Quality Test & Tag Services in Melbourne.
We Service an Extensive Range of Electrical Applications For Warehouses, Factories & Offices.
Why Choose RKH?

Years of Experience

Safety First
It all starts with safety – it’s the reason our business exists! It’s our business to ensure your Appliances & Equipment are monitored and tested in a safe manner.

Honest Pricing

Minimise Your Costs
Efficiency is the key to providing a cost effective solution to maintaining your electrical equipment as required by the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations.
At RKH Test & Tag we will do our best to reduce your costs by asking you to remove any obsolete or unserviceable equipment from your premises before we arrive. Regulation states that if it is on the premises it must be tested & tagged. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Safe Data Storage for Efficient Retrieval
All RKH Test & Tag data is exported to a central computer database where it is regularly backed up.
If you should happen to misplace your report you can simply call, and we can have a copy on your desktop within a few minutes.
Reports are sent via email in PDF format. RKH Test & Tag proudly maintains a green office therefore we do not supply a paper copy. The file can be viewed on any computer with a PDF reader.
Does Your Business Use Machinery and Equipment to Manufacture Goods or Provide a Service?
Construction & Buildings
Commercial Cleaning
Manufacturing & Warehousing
Education Establishments
Hospitality/Commercial Kitchens
How can we help?
If your company is among the category listed above or another, Call RKH to discuss your next routine tag and test inspection.
Our Melbourne Customers
include these well know brands

Our Sequence of Services

Regularly test all equipment in accordance with Australian Standard AS/NZS3760.

Correctly test & tag all equipment with plastic labels.

Report any faults to your Facilities Manager.

All test results are recorded and uploaded to our secure server.

Email out full test results in a PDF Format file.
Get a FAST Online Quote Today!
What Our Customers Say
About Our Test and Tag Service
“Always on time and on budget, great service with a smile. We highly recommend Grant from RKH Test & Tag!”
-Richard Kremp
“Great service & competitive pricing. Will definitely be using RKH Test & Tag services in the future. Would recommend RKH’s services for any Testing & Tagging requirements, large or small.”
-Alison Dacron
“Fantastic service, fast precise & cheaper then others around. The tests were professionally made & he fixed a power box for me for free as well! Definitely recommended!!”
-Bettega Stefano